Senya Beraku Concerned Youth Chronicle their achievement over the last ten years.

 Ten years ago we the youth of Senya Beraku began a revolution - a mega call for traditional, economic and social reform. We have not achieved all the dreams but we have come very far so far.

1. We facilitated the entrance of great men and women from Senya back to Senya. For example, Dr.  J. K. Esibu (Prof), Mr. Kwaw Ansah (TV Africa), Ipi Kwa Bentum (Tufuhene) etc. 

2. We played major role in the establishment of scholarship scheme by Dr. Esibu and we have seen not less than 600 youth achieving their academic dream both home and abroad. 

3. We have played key roles in some youth gaining employment opportunities both in private and public institutions.

4. We played key role in ensuring Senya Beraku revives and rebuilds its traditional council. 

5. We played key role in the filling in of certain vacant stools in the Senya Traditional Area, eg., the installation of the Tufuhene, Ipi Kwa Bentum IV.

6. We played key role and limiting encroachment on our boundaries, example, stopping some neighbouring communities, such as Kweikrom, from selling Senya lands.

7. We played key role in the organisation of beneficiaries of the Aba Folson Nyaniba scholarships to about 50 youth to Nyaniba Health College. 

8. We frontlined the organisation of Senya Beraku Akumase over the years, lifting its image to enviable glory than ever before, though certain challenges have given the festival low profile in the past couple of years. 

9. We have given a strong voice to the Senya Beraku youth. Hitherto the youth were afraid to talk about traditional politics and issues troubling the land due to threats from the perpectuators of the evil status quo and the good counsel of our parents to stay out of troubles. 

10. We have also contributed to the political environment of the land as some of our members are currently active in the political discourse and decisions of the land. 

11. We have utilised social media to keep the community continually engaged in issues necessary for the development of the land.

12. We have over the years educated our people on our history, culture, language and traditions and have largely conscientised them on our heritage and how that what unites us is greater than what divides us. Hence achieving unity in diversity progressively on course. 

The list is endless but we cannot assume we have no failure through the years. We count our gains because we are still in the struggle to reaching the ultimate dream of Senya development. In the next ten years, while still asking for more of the above live Oliver Twist, we look forward to having:

1. the chieftiancy conflict fully resolved and our chiefs and traditional authorities living together as one people with common history with fond memories; common present with exciting observation; common future with inspiring reflection into the life that lies ahead of us and generations unborn. 

2. at least two Universities built in Senya, especially the Covenant University by Bishop David Oyedepo' Winners Chapel International. And other health and training colleges built in our town. 

3. Hospitals, institutions and other infrastructures built by our brethren abroad, non-governmental agencies and the government. 

4. Our  boundaries well secured and the 2018 land dispute judgement, which went in our favour, fully executed in the reclaiming of our lands from the hands of any neighbouring community claiming ownership over what belongs to us. 

5. more jobs, education and traveling opportunities for our youth. 

6. our youth in key national positions in the religious, economic, education, technological, political, corporate and music and entertainment sectors. 

7. the mindset of our people fully tuned towards the positive change we desire and individual development well grounded to ensure holistic approach towards the alleviation of poverty and all social challenges militating against the community. 

Ane nfunaa!!!


Abeiku Okai 

Youth Secretary 

Nicholas Yawson

Youth President 



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