

  Senya Beraku Legends Series by Abeiku Okai. Episode 001 SENYA BERAKU'S CINEMATIC LUMINARY: The Legacy of ATO KWAMENA YANNEY Snr.  Ato Kwamina Yanney Snr, also known as Ato Yanney, was born on January 22, 1933, in Senya Beraku, Central Region, Ghana. He was a pioneering figure in the Ghanaian film industry, having studied screenplay writing and directing at the London School of Film Technique and obtaining a degree in film critique and appreciation. Ato further honed his skills at the Feature and Documentary Film Studios in Poland. Before venturing into filmmaking, he worked as a local recruit at the Ghana High Commission in the United Kingdom and wrote short stories broadcasted on BBC Home Service, such as "The Ominous Sneeze" and "It Came from Heaven." Returning to Ghana in 1963, he joined the Ghana Film Industry Corporation and eventually became the head of production. Ato was instrumental in the establishment of the National Film and Television Institute (N


The Senya Beraku State has produced countless great men and women of national and international repute across all industries and human endeavours. This project seeks to trace and track them and pen down their immortal names, achievements and contributions. Some may not be famous but their contributions can of be taken for granted. Our desire with this project is to bring to fore the blessedness of such individuals, dead or alive.  Therefore, this list, being the primary registry portal, seeks to track and list down such leading personalities. We need you to help update this list. Either in the comment section or through email, send the following: name, status (dead or alive), position/achievements, the industry of the person as well as the social medial handle or contact.  Email:  ********** EDUCATION 1. Dr. Joseph Kobina Essibu - CEO Ideal College 2. Lady Rev. Aba Folson - Nyaniba Health College  3. Professor Daniel Afedzi Acheampong (Late) University of Ghana.  SPO

FORT GOOD HOPE - Senya Beraku

  Senya Beraku is home to Fort De Goede Hoop, also known as Fort Good Hope, which was constructed by the Dutch in 1702 (though some historians dispute this date, with alternative dates listed as 1667, 1701, or 1702). The Dutch initially arrived in Senya Bireku in the 1660s, but had to leave due to conflict with the English. Upon realizing that their focus had shifted from gold trade to slavery, they returned to Senya-Beraku and built the fort, with the goal of it being their final fortification on the Gold Coast. Fort De Goede Hoop, designed in a triangular shape, was built with the intention of facilitating gold trade and providing the Dutch with "good hope." However, the gold trade was not prosperous, and the focus shifted to the rapidly growing slave trade. To accommodate the growing number of slaves sold there, the fort was expanded and its triangular shape was altered to a square shape in 1715. Although the slave trade was eventually abolished, slaves were still smuggled

Call to Cancel Senya Beraku 'Eguradze' Custom.

Last Thursday , 27th January, 2022, the streets of Senya Beraku were flooded with female processions to the houses of all deceased persons who were to be buried during the weekend. These women carried on their heads assorted items called 'eguradze', beautifully wrapped in buskets, and silver and plastic bowls and buckets.  The items included soaps, powder, cloths, rice, oil, towels, sponges, etc. and specific amount of money demanded by the deceased family from the deceased female in-laws and close relatives whose spouses are from the house.   As the name, 'eguradze' (bathing wares), implies, the items are meant to bath the dead before lying in state on Friday and Saturday. The older women of the maternal house of the deceased, who are responsible for bathing the dead, would share the money and the rest of the items after discharging their duties. Years back, there were very few items presented for the 'eguradze', generally limited to what was needed for the bat


 A 1973 Akomase speech from the Central Regional Commissioner Commander, J. K. Amedume, found from the archive of the late Mr. Kweku Andah, father to Captain Topi Kojo Otu Anderson.  ADDRESS BY THE CENTRAL REGIONAL COMMISSIONER COMMANDER, J. K. AMEDUME ON THE OCCASION OF THE AKOMASE FESTIVAL AT SENYA BERAKU ON SATURDAY 25TH AUGUST, 1973. Nananom, Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel extremely happy to be here with you this afternoon for the celebration of the "Akomase" Festival. It is on this occasion that you remember your renowned ancestors and sing their praises. Those ancestors of yours whom you single out for praises carved names for themselves by rendering exemplary and dedicated service during their life. The worthy examples of these illustrious sons of your state should encourage and inspire you to do your duty to your Nation and your state. There is no greater honour than to be given the opportunity to serve your nation, and wherever you may find yourselves you should strive


 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN  All well-meaning people of Senya Beraku  RE: THE CHALLENGE TO THE CLAIM OF OWNERSHIP OF SENYA BERAKU STOOL LAND BY ANONA FAMILY  Regarding your circulation dated, August 1, 2021, on the subject: "RE: THE CHALLENGE TO THE CLAIM OF OWNERSHIP OF SENYA BERAKU STOOL LAND BY ANONA FAMILY", we, the Royal Anona Family intend to respond in extenso and seriatim as below: - that per the provisions of the Chieftaincy Act, 2008 (Act 759), your name is not entered in the National Register of Chiefs (i.e you do not have gazette), which is the sine qua non for recognition by the Chieftaincy Institution of Ghana. You therefore lack the capacity to use the above letterhead, since you not yet a member of the Senya Beraku Traditional Council. - that it is gross falsehood to say that a faction of the Krobo Anona Family called Akondoh Anona is consistently claiming right to paramount status of a chief and ownership of Senya Beraku stool land. Rather, it is the entire membe

Traditional Marriage Rite in Ancient Senya Beraku

  TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE RITE IN ANCIENT SENYA BERAKU. Abeiku Okai Senya Beraku has four major ceremonies marking the cycle of life from birth, through adolescence, marriage to death. They are: 1. Ada ntuyi - Naming ceremony 2. Itwe-itwe - Puberty Rite  (different paternal  houses or clans (Se-ye) have different names and rituals for adolescent rites) 3. Ijo-nsɔyi - Marriage Ceremony 4. Edi-mbɔyi - Funeral  The focus here is on Ijo-nsɔyi (marriage ceremony). When an adolescent boy or girl traditionally passes puberty by undergoing the required Se-ye (paternal house) rites, he or she, from that day, becomes ready for marriage, especially the girl. However, he or she is not forced into premature marriage but rather, he/she would now be exposed to the necessity of marriage and preparation towards it. She would now be considered a 'ponkuba' (a young girl ripe for marriage).  For the adolescent girl, her beauty and physical changes would begin to attract potential suitors, for which r