How the name "OSIBISA" originated from Senya Beraku.

When the name Osibisa is mentioned, lovers of Afro-Pop musics get excited and great African music such as "Welcome Home", "Woyaya" (my favourite), and others crop up. The reason is that the name took it popularity from "a British Afro-pop band, founded in London in 1969 by four expatriate African and three Caribbean musicians. Their music is a fusion of African, Caribbean, jazz, funk, rock, Latin, and R&B. Osibisa were one of the first African-heritage bands to become widely popular and linked with the world music description" (credit, Wiki).
While we all enjoy the Osibisa band music, we have not been able to come across the origin and meaning of the name. And I am happy and proud to reveal that the name originated from Senya Beraku. In fact, it was actually a kind of music art in Senya Beraku.
The people of Senya Beraku love music and dance so much. And they have several kinds of music and dance forms with each carrying a distinct name. Examples include, "Oso-ode", "apatanpa", "omp3", "kokomba", "Ada-efu" (now, high life), etc. During the Akumase festival, on Tuesday, all these groups would dress in their colourful uniforms and perform beautifully to happy audience at   "Aben Anu" (in front of Fort Good Hope).
Now, one of the music arts that was formed in Senya was "Osibisa". It happened that as young boys and girls took keen interest in spending too much time playing and enjoying music and dance, they wouldn't reach home early to sleep. They loved the "Oso-ode" and "Ada-efu" art so much that it took all their time. So parents began to complain and admonished them to be time conscious and return home early. From this admonishing, and very typical of Senyans, a new song and way of dancing emerged. It is sang,

"Osibi oo, osibi sa mpr)ba
Tow osibi
Wo ni na wo se ye osibisa mpr)ba
Tow osibi".

This is the meaning:
"If you have drummed and danced a little, reduce drumming.
Your mother and father say "If you have drummed and danced a little, reduce playing."
Note the following:

"O" means, you
"Si" means, to drum
"Sibi" means, to drum continuously
"Sa" means, dance
"Tow" means, reduce
"mpr)" means, little
"ba" means, come

In one sentence the message is "Osibisaba", meaning, Having drummed and dance, come [home].
Now, this music form became so popular that it attracted great attention and joy among both the Senyans and the Fantes. It is therefore from this that the founders of the band got the name, Osibisa. It will interest you to know that there is a town in Cote D'Ivoire called "Osibisa" and the majority of its Ghanaian dwellers are Senyans.
In conclusion therefore, anytime you hear the name Osibisa, don't forget to remember that it is a Senya word. And we are grateful to the band for preserving our legacy.
Share abroad. We have great heritage to be proud of.

 Abeiku Okai
WhatsApp: +233 0249287855


  1. are there tourist sites in senya beraku. Do tourists stay there?


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