REPORT: Senya Youth Parliament participates in District Youth Parliament formation and orientation.

The District Youth Parliament orientation program was held under the auspices of the District Youth Secretariat & the National Youth Authority. It was commenced by a short task given to participants who were partitioned into groups to propose a name for the district youth parliament and also suggest ways to enhance the smooth running of the District Youth Parliament (DYP).

The orientation had two phases: one consisting of the following; introduction to Parliament, introduction to the youth Parliament, and the legal framework of the youth Parliament. The other phase comprised the youth parliament model and the leadership of the District Youth Parliament. 

Delving into the various components,  Mr. Tunde  explained that, the word 'parliament' was derived from the French word 'Parler' meaning, the supreme legislative body of a usually major political unit that is a continuing institution comprising a series of individual assemblages, simply put, an assembly for public deliberations.

The pioneers of parliament can be traced to the Westminster Palace in Britain.

In Ghana, Parliament started as far back as eighteen fifty(1850) as a legislative council, hence, the powers were vested in the Governor alone. With the existence of parliament, Ghana was able to conduct its first election under the Guggisberg Constitution of 1925 and in 1951 we had our first legislative assembly which was presided by Charles Quist (The first Speaker of Parliament).

Under the model of Youth Parliament, demographically, a youth is said to be between  the age range of fifteen to thirty five years (15 - 35); this is in accordance with 2010 National Youth Policy and Africa Youth Charter. Therefore, 'the youth are the engine of national development and the hope and aspiration for the future of this country'.

Accentuating on the relevance of the Youth Parliament and its activities; issuance of position papers, writing of proposals and business plans, public education and fora, town hall meetings and many vital exercises that keeps the Youth in an enhanced position to save them [youth] from mere ignorance and developmental loafing but rather build their [youth] capacity and fortitude, and integrate their knowledge and skills into nation building. The youth were also urged to be very diplomatic  during parliamentary sittings, meetings etc.

Albeit the nature of Youth Parliament (YP), YP should never underestimate the need to be 'transparent and accountable', this  has been furtherly explained in the following Articles of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana; Articles 35, 37, 40 and 240. Again, the National Youth Policy must at all times be our guide as we seek to corporate with relevant stakeholders for development and not to litigate for divisiveness. 

The training also highlighted on the tenure of office of parliamentarians, the financing aspect as well as the very leadership of the House, notwithstanding the Officers of Parliament, thus, the Clerk to Parliament and the Marshall.

The Regional Director of National Youth Authority, Mr. Emmanuel S. Martey in his closing remarks, congratulated the youth for their zeal and commitment to the program. And reiterated the need for the youth to contribute actively and meaningfully to the growth of the DYP. He also congratulated the district for being the first to form the District Youth Parliament in the Central Region. 

In attendance were youth from the Awutu Senya District, representatives from the Persons with Disability, visitors from Gomoa East District and District Director of NYA for ASWD.

The next meeting will consist of electing leaders of the DYP. Members elects are therefore encouraged to take up the various portfolios for election. The date will be communicated to us later. 

Apostle Abeiku Okai gave the vote of thanks and followed up with the closing prayer.



Acting Clerk 

Senya Youth Parliament


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