
Showing posts from May, 2012
One of the Seven Beaches of Senya Beraku, called Enyi Poase Overview of a part of the community, taken from the top of Fort Good Hope Anona Royal House. The Methodist Church Pictures from Senya. More to be added
THE SENYA LANGUAGE (EWUTU) Senya/Ewutu is one of the numerous Guan dialects spoken across the breath and length of the Republic of Ghana and part of Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Togo. Senya is exclusively spoken by the people of Senya-Bireku. With Guan being the aboriginal language of this nation and the Guans as the first settlers on this soil, Senya can rightly be said to be one of the most ancient languages spoken by a section of the earliest people in Ghana. However, in spite of its antique richness, the language is under threat of extinction or adulteration sooner than the birth of another millennium. My research has brought me to the discovery that long ago the ancestors of Senya had a way of recording information in the course of trading. The various parts of the human body were used to represent various symbols that gave meanings to credit transactions. Later, these symbols were used to develop distinct alphabets (named Aseba, by the Great Ekuba Topi Odoom Isaac of