
Showing posts from October, 2020

SENYA BERAKU SE-YE ADA (Clan Names) || Akrama Ano Clan in Focus

In Senya Beraku there are two basic forms of family relations and they are 'Se-ye' and 'Ni-ye'.  Literally Se-ye means father's house while Ni-ye means mother's house. When a Senya refers to his Ni-ye he is actually referring to his family, which is maternal. When he refers to his Se-ye he is referring to his clan, which is paternal. Children in Senya are named from their paternal clans by the senior member of the clan or his/her grandfather. Thus the child's father receives the name from his father or his father's brother if his father is late. This is important because in Senya tradition everybody from your father's clan is your father. Each Se-ye in Senya Beraku has peculiar male and female names that can be traced directly to the deity of the clan. And it enables easy identification of a person's background and father's clan. In this series I will be releasing Senya Beraku Se-Ye and their names starting with the Akrama Ano Clan. THE AKRAM